Barack Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court is a disaster for average Americans. For one thing, if she's confirmed, there's every indication she'll be a big promoter of the radical gay agenda on the court. She's replacing David Souter, a lifelong bachelor and recluse who lived with his mother when he was appointed. President Bush Sr. assured us that the unknown Souter was a real conservative, but he turned into one of the biggest champions of gay rights on the court. Likewise, Sotomayor was briefly married thirty years ago, had no children, and has never remarried. She's certainly not going to be a friend of the traditional family, to put it mildly.
She is also a radical left wing Hispanic with deep seated biases in favor of her own race, and against other ethnic groups. Her ethnicity and her radical liberalism are the only reasons she's being considered for the high court. Qualified? Hardly - five of her rulings have been appealed to the Supreme Court, and they have overturned three of them, an appalling sixty percent rejection rate. This is all about pandering to Hispanics, and getting a radical liberal race hustler on the court. Sotomayor unashamedly belongs to a number of race based organizations, including the Puerto Rican Bar Association, the Hispanic National Bar Association, the Association of Judges of Hispanic Heritage, and the National Council of La Raza.
If you're not familiar with La Raza, it's a left wing Hispanic "advocacy" group whose name means "The Race" in Spanish. It's quite clear what they stand for, and Sotomayor has no problem being a member of such a group. (Just try to imagine the reaction if a white male judge belonged to a white advocacy group called The
Race.) La Raza supports amnesty for illegal aliens, increased immigration, more affirmative action and quotas for Hispanics, more welfare spending, and countless other big government programs to benefit Hispanics, whether here legally or not. They also have mounted a campaign to outlaw what they call "hate speech" about illegal immigration. They want it to be against the law to use words like "illegal alien", "invasion", "hordes", etc, to describe the hordes of illegal aliens that are invading America. In their view, pointing out that most illegals are poorly educated, low skilled, and often illiterate is also "hate speech" that should be criminalized. If they have their way, anyone who talks honestly about illegal immigration will risk going to prison. This is the group that Obama's Supreme Court nominee is proud to be a member of.
Sotomayor is proud of her racism. In a speech given at a law school in 2001, she said that a female Hispanic judge like herself is probably superior to a white male judge: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn't lived that life." (Again, imagine the reaction if a white male judge had made the reverse argument.) She also said: "Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see. My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage." You'd better believe there are going to be "differences" in Sotomayor's rulings based on her gender and ethnicity. Nominating this brazen racist for the Supreme Court is nothing less than an assault on the rights of white working Americans.
If you need proof, just ask Frank Ricci. Who is Frank Ricci? He's a white firefighter in New Haven, Connecticut who wanted to be promoted to lieutenant. To qualify, he had to pass a test. So Frank Ricci quit his second job, spent a thousand dollars on study materials, and because he's dyslexic, paid a friend of his to spend hours reading the study materials onto audio tape. He then spent six months studying, about eight hours a day, in preparation for the test. All his hard work seemed to pay off, because he came in sixth out of dozens of applicants for eight promotions. I say it seemed to pay off, because despite his extraordinary efforts and his high score, Frank Ricci didn't get that promotion to lieutenant.
Why didn't Ricci get his well deserved promotion? It's because he's guilty of a crime - the crime of being a white man. Due to the fact that no black firefighters passed the test, the city of New Haven threw out everyone's scores, saying the test was "racially biased", even though they've spent millions of dollars to heavily stack the deck in favor of the black applicants. With the stroke of a pen, they destroyed Frank Ricci's dreams, and trashed his months of hard work, all in the name of affirmative action, quotas, and diversity.
So Frank Ricci and a dozen other white firefighters sued the city for violating their civil rights. The first court, incredibly, ruled against them. So they appealed, and the appeals court ruled against them, too. Guess who was one of the judges on the appeals court that upheld this blatant anti-white discrimination? Sonia Sotomayor! Not only did she uphold it, she wrote a terse, one paragraph ruling dismissing their claims. This is unheard of. Judges normally write lengthy rulings, sometimes hundreds of pages long, explaining their decision. In an equally unheard of development, one of her fellow appellate judges spoke out against this travesty, saying that Sotomayor's one paragraph ruling "contains no reference whatsoever to the constitutional claims at the core of this case" and its "perfunctory disposition rests uneasily with the weighty issues presented by this appeal." The U.S. Constitution, legitimate claims, weighty issues - those don't matter - not to Sotomayor to whom Frank Ricci is a white male oppressor, which means the government is free to trample his rights in order to benefit minorities.
With his first opportunity to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, Barack Obama has openly declared war on middle class America. This Sotomayor nomination is an ominous sign of just what the remainder of Obama's term holds for people like you and me, and our families. In his heart, Obama is a radical black activist who has nothing but contempt for people like us. During the campaign, lots of people exposed him as a racial radical with a chip on his shoulder, and a desire to "settle the score" with mainstream America on behalf of minorities. These researchers were ignored and marginalized by the mainstream media that fawned over Obama, who allowed him to cover up his past, and present himself as the "post-racial" candidate.
That "post-racial" business was an outright lie. He has now made that crystal clear by nominating Sotomayor, to whom race is sometimes all that matters. Obama said he looks for "empathy" in selecting judges for the federal bench. Make no mistake though. By "empathy", he doesn't mean what you or I mean when we use that word. We want judges who have empathy for victims of crime, for people who've been defrauded, assaulted, or otherwise harmed, and are seeking redress and blind justice from a fair and impartial court system.
That's what being a judge used to be all about and that's what most people understand when they hear the word "empathy" with respect to judicial nominees. That's because they think they're still living in the old America, and haven't yet come to grips with the fact that we're now living in Obama's America. In Obama's America, empathy in judges doesn't mean sympathizing with people who have been wronged by someone else, and striving to ensure that they get justice. It means sympathizing with and taking the side of "the oppressed," i.e. non-whites, homosexuals, radical feminists, illegal aliens, etc.
The flip side of Obama's "empathy" is apparent hatred and contempt for white people, traditional families, small business owners, evangelical Christians, conservatives, and everyone else that liberals call the "racist, heterosexist, nativist, Christianist, capitalist, homophobic power structure" in America. In other words, what most of us call normal people. These radical leftists regard folks like you and me and our children as the enemy, and it's their mission in life to put us in our supposed place, which to them means at the back of the bus. They're in charge now, and they fully intend to use their power to remake America in their image. If the Senate approves Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, Obama will know that he has carte blanche to escalate his all out war on traditional Americans. We've got to contact our Senators and demand that Sotomayor and all other far left nominees for the court be rejected or we'll vote them out of office. We cannot allow Barack Obama to get away with this.
If they approve her (and to be honest, with only 40 squishy Republicans in the US Senate, it's unlikely), it's time to get serious about finding a way for our beloved Texas to exit a system where Barack Obama and his racist friends interpret the laws that undergird our very life, liberty and material security. I have faith liberty will prevail, but only with much travail.
The Peter Morrison Report
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