No objections here!
When the Bush administration briefed her on “enhanced interrogation” of terror suspects in 2002, Nancy “Queen of the Hypocrites” Pelosi had every opportunity to object. She neglected to do so, until it became popular to act treasonous. She said essentially, “we knew they could (waterboard), but weren’t told they would.” Does anyone…anyone at all…buy this?
She should be tried in front of a federal court and held accountable for lying to the American people.
Keep in mind, she’s third in line for Commander in Chief. That’s frightening!
Former CIA boss Porter Goss, accused Democrats like Pelosi of “amnesia” for demanding investigations in 2009 after failing to raise objections seven years ago when she first learned of the legal basis for the program.
ABC has just ”outed” the names of two psychologists who acrchitected waterboarding techniques. I use the term “outed”, so those Prop 8 whiners can understand the magnitude of such malicious behavior.
ABC should be fined, and painfully, for failing to use the airwaves in the best interest of our National Security. Is there any hope in the media acting responsibly? We already know there’s no hope for Nancy Peloozah!
posted by Dan Ezell at F3 Coalition - [Faith. Family. Freedom.]
Is this Pop-Up Pelosi... Sneaker of the House... well she can kiss my astroturf!!!