Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What is the left hand doing...

...while we are busy watching the right?

Thank you Glenn Beck for giving words to the uneasiness I've been feeling since the stunt with Air Force One yesterday. There is no way that Obama didn't know about it. Most likely it was an orchestrated stunt that serves two purposes.

First, this photo is going to pop up again somewhere. Where? I'm going to bet it shows up at a time when Obama needs to show patriotism, a time when even his loyal worshippers are doubting his loyalties.

Then, a distraction to cause an uproar while something else, worse, was going on. Equate it to slight of hand. Only time will tell...But how great that he demonstrated outrage that it happened. Pretending that he had no knowledge. Who else can authorize such?

No matter who sent the planes up. SHAME ON YOU!!! How utterly shameful to not think of the psychological ramifications such an act would have on the citizens of that city.

And were you even thinking about the carbon footprint that was being left while that plane was being flown - or the

Please, please tell us how we should sacrifice and save for our country and our future while you spend $70,000 MINIMUM for a photo op? We're not that stupid, are you truly that insane?

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